Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Everything Freelance; 2012 By: Lauren Ivy

Upon the beginning of my search for knowledge of SEO content, as a newbie,  I was surprised by how much there was to learn.

There are many different ways to go about writing SEO content and the knowledge of how to do so beforehand is definitely a must. There are certain things that are severely frowned upon by corporations like Google.

The goal is to put key words in your writing that will navigate people towards your website, blog or whatever you might have. To begin you should figure out what keywords are currently getting the most traffic, there are several ways to figure this out. Also, know who you’re trying to reach with your website.

Once you have figured out who your site will best reach it should be directed towards them. For example; if your site is geared toward teens you should make sure that it is available on mobile and there should be more pictures and videos than text. Another thing is to make sure that the key word you are using appears in the title or in the first sentences of the content on your page.

This will help to ensure that it is successful. Make sure that the main goal of your site isn't to produce high traffic, your site should be informative and gripping.

You can also build links that can be circulated on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. There are definitely aspects of SEO content writing that can be confusing, but there is ample information out there to help make sure you are successful at it.

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